Busy Momma Needs “Me” Time
SoCal fashion and lifestyle blogger Mariah Darsha Peterson (@mariahdarsha) came to La Jolla Cosmetic to, in her words, keep her body “right, tight, and clean.” Prior to connecting with LJC, Mariah had darker areas of her body that put a damper on her confidence while wearing summer clothes. Lucky for her, she found us just in time to rock her bikini all summer long.
At Mariah’s virtual consultation, she expressed her wants and needs when it came to her body, and LJC’s injector and laser specialist listened. The two agreed that the best procedure to make Mariah’s confidence soar was laser hair removal. The two marked their calendars for six armpit and brazilian laser sessions.
Mariah vlogged her treatment appointments to give her followers a glimpse into her beauty revamp process. She took videos applying the numbing cream before receiving the laser treatment, receiving the treatment, and after the treatment. In one Instagram Story, Mariah described the first session as “smooth and quick.”

Results that Show Early On
After just one session, Mariah shared on her Instagram Story, “I HIGHLY recommend laser hair removal! I’m doing a total of 6 sessions and I’m already seeing a huge difference!”
I received their [LJC’s] armpit and brazilian laser removal and it was such a cool experience! It was my first time using numbing cream and I had my doubts that I would still feel the laser, but I didn’t!
– Mariah Darsha
Mariah received so much feedback from her followers while posting her laser hair removal journey that she decided to share a video answering all questions related to feeling confident and smooth from head to toe. She answered the most popular questions, including pain level of the procedure, how long results last, and how it can affect people with darker skin tones.
As a mommy of two, CEO of DaliseMarieCo, founder of #BossesWhoBrunch, and event curator/coordinator, Mariah’s pampered treatment at LJC was well-deserved to say the least. With so much on her plate, “me” time is probably scarce for the busy momma. We are so happy she chose LJC to give her the smooth body she was dreaming of.